I’ve been able to talk about this for a while on social media, but now that my final script is approved and in the artist’s hands, I wanted to share the news of the biggest book of my life.
Coming next year from Lerner Books is STRIKERS — an original Middle Grade graphic novel with the great artist Jacques Khouri. I’ve only half jokingly referred to this project as “The Mighty Ducks meets Roger & Me,” but if you’ve known me for any amount of time, you’ve probably heard me talk about my beloved hometown of Flint, Michigan. This book is everything I feel about having grown up in Flint and then some.
If all goes according to plan, this will be one of two new books I have arriving in the near(ish) future with another media title preceding it in 2021. Watch this space for more info as I can share it, but in the meantime I’m also tweeting about the book using the hashtag #STRIKERScomic